Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Unexpected Gifts

File this one under the "coincidence or God-incidence?" heading. Last week my boss, The Nicest Man in the World (TM) and I were discussing how to spend the remaining "emergency funds" from a grant we were about to report on. We threw ideas around with a couple people in the office, considering more bus passes (already bought this month's), space heaters (not enough storage room, were they even for sale anymore?) and canned food (too complicated) before deciding upon Wal-Mart gift cards, since they would keep the most funds available to clients in any area. Space heaters have been a popular emergency item this winter, but they didn't seem like a practical purpose at the moment.

The very next day, before the money was spent, a request came in to help keep a client from getting evicted. I've met this girl, and she is determined to make it. Confusion about Section-8 housing had made her behind on her rent, but she had saved up a lot and just needed a little help. With her nurse's blessing, of course we would help!

Later that same day, a woman came by the office with several boxes. She and her husband had won money at a trivia contest, and they decided to donate their prize. (I'm touched already!) So they had gone to Sam's Club and purchased - wait for it - six space heaters! They even got the nice Vornado kind that don't get hot to the touch and so are super safe for kids. They were exactly the kind someone had mentioned not even 24 hours before.

God works in mysterious ways, indeed.

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